Protecting Your Properties
Lawley Insurance’s commercial real estate insurance team has extensive experience in developing coverage and risk management solutions to organizations involved with real estate.
Our team has developed customized plans and coverages for apartment and affordable housing insurance, condominium and homeowner association insurance, assisted living insurance, student housing insurance, plazas and office building insurance. We also have experience with retail insurance including buildings and strip malls, industrial insurance and warehouse buildings, self storage insurance, developer insurance and coverage for property managers.
Some of our coverage solutions include:
- Ownership entity protection during construction or renovations
- Builders risk coverage, including analyses of soft costs
- Tenant discrimination coverage
- Pollution insurance coverage (asbestos, mold, lead, underground storage tanks)
In addition, we can also assist you with housing authority turnkey development, building valuation and a variety of other needs, like risk management for protection for future issues.
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