June is Migraine & Headache Awareness Month
Migraine: A Headache at its worst Migraine headaches are episodic, recurrent, throbbing headaches that usually occur on one side of […]
COVID-19’s Impact on Health Savings Accounts
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has had far-reaching effects on all aspects of business and society—including health savings accounts (HSAs). The […]
Working From Home Ergonomic Tips
Working from home comes with its own set of challenges. If an employee finds themselves working from home for a […]
Children’s Health
Most experts agree that the childhood obesity crisis has been caused as much by children’s lack of physical activity as […]
Overcoming Loneliness During the Coronavirus Pandemic
As public health officials work to slow the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), many have recommended social distancing and […]
What To Do If You’re Sick With COVID-19
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is caused by a type of coronavirus […]
Safe Grocery Shopping During the Coronavirus Outbreak
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has disrupted everyday life in many ways. Many states have ordered residents to stay at home […]
Working From Home During the Coronavirus Outbreak
For many, working from home is just the daily routine. For people unfamiliar with remote work, it can take some […]
Tips for Social Distancing, Quarantine, and Isolation
In the event of an infectious disease outbreak, local officials may require the public to take measures to limit and […]
6 Tips for Coping with Stress During COVID-19
It is normal to feel sad, stressed, confused, scared or angry during a crisis. Talking to people you trust can […]