Casey Machine Wins Two Wellness Awards as a Member of the Healthy Manufacturers of New York State Insurance Consortium (HMNYS)

Lawley is proud to support and congratulate Casey Machine as they accept two corporate wellness awards as part of their participation in a 2017 wellness competition created by the Healthy Manufacturers of New York State Insurance Consortium (HMNYS).
HMNYS is an insurance purchasing Consortium (a group of allied companies) exclusively established to align manufacturers with 101 or more full time equivalent employees. Their main goal is to provide the best employee benefits for the companies in our group at the most competitive cost while reducing medical claims long term.
The HMNYS Wellness Committee developed the following annual competitive event aimed at getting covered employees, and their eligible dependents to better utilize the NO COST preventative care services provided by Univera Healthcare.
The competitive event ran from January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017. At the end of the wellness event, the HMNYS Company with the highest percentage of participation for one or both of the two categories below were deemed Wellness Winner(s). The categories were as follows:
- Category 1: Employees with Univera Healthcare coverage through participating HMNYS companies that receive their annual physical with their primary care physician or OBGYN.
- Category 2: Covered dependents of employees with Univera Healthcare coverage through participating HMNYS companies that receive their annual physical or well child visit with their primary care physician or OBGYN.
Univera Healthcare was responsible for tracking and reporting the participation rate for all competing companies each month. Companies were responsible for developing their own incentive plans to help generate increased participation among their respective employees and covered dependents. Companies were also responsible for submitting, to the HMNYS Wellness Committee, wellness-related suggestions for how their prize money would be spent at the end of the year. A final year-end report was provided to determine our Wellness Winning organization(s). This report showed that Casey Machine had won in BOTH categories. This means that they were awarded:
- Category 1: $750
- Category 2: $750
Again, we congratulate all participants for encouraging their employees to become healthier by using preventative care. Other companies enrolled in HMNYS and in the competition include:
- Ascension Industries Inc.
- Harper International Corporation
- Polymer Conversions, Inc.
- Seal & Design Inc
- Quorum Group LLC
- Taylor Devices
- Zehnder Rittling
The HMNYS is always looking at taking on new, qualified members. Contact us for more information.