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Names of well-known manufacturers have recently spattered the headlines as they deal with the ever changing COVID-19 pandemic. With the future unknown, owners, CEOs, and HR managers of manufacturers are asking themselves — what can we do to protect our employees, our bottom line, and our legacy? Luckily, there’s an opportunity on the horizon.
Welcome to Healthy Manufacturers of New York State. Run by like-minded NYS manufacturers, this health insurance consortium has found a way to protect their greatest assets. Here’s how it works:
COMING TOGETHER – As the cost of healthcare continues to rise annually; many manufacturers have been under pressure to control costs. To do this, companies typically increase employee cost-sharing through plan design and contribution changes, by moving retirees out of the active-employee medical plan, or by offering lower cost plans. Companies are being asked to do more with less, which is forcing both benefit and purchasing professionals to look for opportunities which will create cost-effective solutions. Forming HMNYS has been an effective option for our members to help lower fixed costs and pool resources.
BENEFITS OF HMNYS – First, stronger employee relations are created and healthier workforce wellness programs are implemented. HMNYS is able to manage medical trends with better data to provide comprehensive benefits at the most competitive rate – saving manufacturers money and establishing lower fixed-costs. As a group, HMNYS has greater buying power and the ability to customize specific plan designs including options like energy, health insurance, and 401(k) plans.
HOW DOES IT WORK? The healthcare consortium is managed by its board of trustees who have equal vote in decisions along with members. Claims data from HMNYS is provided to make informed decisions on employee wellness initiatives – directly impacting potential claims. Lawley’s Employee Benefits account management team provides HMNYS with the tools and information needed, so the board can make more informed decisions. Most of all, creativity, commitment, oversight, and consistency all contribute to the consortium, offering an alternative solution to escalating medical expenses.
If you are a manufacturer that is looking to create your own destiny, please contact Lawley Employee Benefits today. The HMNYS team would love to see what a future looks like for you in their like-minded consortium.
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John Cureo is an Associate Partner/Employee Benefits Consultant at Lawley and has worked in the benefits and insurance industry since 1998. John provides clients with comprehensive solutions and strategic initiatives to enhance their employee benefits program while meeting their unique needs. He works closely with employers to understand their business and build a comprehensive program that results in the most cost-effective alternatives and administrative efficiencies.