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You’re paying for your employee’s health insurance. Wouldn’t you want to know it is working?
As a business, one of your top priorities is the budget. Every year, you balance your checkbook, looking to see what elements are affecting your bottom line. If you’re like most employers, a huge annual cost is paying healthcare expenses via your company sponsored health plan.
So, if you’re paying the majority of healthcare costs for employees, don’t you want to know the medical care you’re paying for is medically necessary, high quality, and priced fairly? Unfortunately, quite often this isn’t the case. Let’s break it down and look at the truth about U.S. healthcare, and, what you as an employer can do to help improve it:
Employer Sponsored Healthcare by the Numbers | One of the largest employers in the world is Walmart. And, because they have so many employees, they were able to look at credible data across their entire footprint, analyzing the numbers to see how their healthcare program was actually working. Here’s what they found: ~6% of their health plan members, called “outliers”, spend almost 50% of the health plan dollars each year; and within this small outlier group, the high cost conditions these members presented with were commonly misdiagnosed and mistreated. Quite often Walmart was paying for health conditions their plan members didn’t have and/or treatments that were not correct and, in some cases, not even medically necessary.
Misdiagnosis & Costly (Unnecessary) Care | According to multiple studies, including Walmart’s own 20 years of historical data on millions of plan members, high cost conditions are misdiagnosed and/or mistreated up to 60% of the time. Walmart found costly spinal fusions are misdiagnosed 55% of the time, and cancer is misdiagnosed and mistreated 30% of the time. These are serious issues, obviously for the health of individuals and their families, but financially for employers as well. It turns out that a whopping 16% of plan dollars are spent each year on high cost treatments for conditions plan members don’t have.
What Do Employers Do About It? | The answer is actually out there, right now, we call it Lawley Correct Care. Lawley Correct Care allows your health plan to participate in the same strategies Walmart, Intel, and other Fortune 500 companies have been using for years. Here’s how it works for employers, just like you:
Lawley Correct Care includes the exact same program Walmart designed to help employees get the correct care, the correct diagnosis and treatments. It helps employers better control claims by using lower cost pre-negotiated bundled pricing agreements and guaranteed medical procedure outcome cost protection.
The Program works with almost all major health insurance carriers and health plan TPAs
It’s “Fortune 500Company Tested & Approved”– hundreds of companies already use it
There’s Little to no cost to implement – and independently validated high ROI savings
It’s Very Simple to administer – and easy for employees to understand and use
At Lawley, we’re determined to help employers strategize and implement the best and most effective employee benefits programs. We devise strategies that protect their bottom line, and help to give their employees the correct diagnosis and care when they need it most. If you’re interested in learning more, we have some great intro videos and materials that you can view. Or feel free to set up a meeting with me, Dan Elliott, to discuss Lawley Correct Care and what it could look like in your organization.
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Dan brings over 25 years of knowledge to Lawley and works with C-Suite and HR teams to formulate a 3 year “incremental change” plan that makes sense for their particular organization’s business, culture, and employees.