Lawley Medicare Solutions Learning Center:

Ask Janell!


QUESTION: I just got a call about my new Plastic Medicare card. How will this be different from my paper one?


ANSWER: This is a very common call and there is NO new Plastic Medicare Card! This is just one of the scams in which callers try to get your Medicare Card ID number from you. Very often, the individual on the phone know a lot about you. They can tell you your name, address, and sometimes even your date of birth. What they want is your Medicare ID number. DON’T give it to them. Simply hang up. Again, there is NO new Plastic Medicare Card.

There is NO new Medicare +. This is another type of scam call telling you that you are eligible for a Medicare + card. This ‘plus’ sign after your Medicare ID gives you additional benefits. These additional benefits could be some of the many advertised on TV, like hearing aids, gym membership, or Over the Counter products (OTC).
Again, there is NO new Medicare +.

Another scam call will tell you that you are eligible for a piece of medical equipment, like back brace, oxygen concentrator, or new walker. They will tell you that in order to confirm delivery of this new piece of equipment, you simply need to verify your address and Medicare ID. DON’T give it to them. Simply hang up.

Most of these calls ask you to “verify your Medicare ID.” This sentence makes it sound like they already know the number, but they don’t. If you didn’t talk with your doctor about getting these types of medical supplies, they wouldn’t order them. Many of these supplies require steps before the order, so you would know that you and your physician were working towards ordering them.

The individuals that call can be very persistent, I have heard of them bringing a second person on the line, “a supervisor” to make you feel more comfortable with the request. This supervisor then tells you why you are being called, again trying to get information they claim to already know. They are both scammers trying to solicit your Medicare ID. DON’T give it to them. Simply hang up.

When you get that phone call about your Medicare coverage, or someone saying they are calling on behalf of Medicare, my advice is to hang up. If you speak to them at all, ask them to send you material in writing. NEVER give them any information about yourself, or your Medicare ID number.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will only call you because you called CMS to report a problem, file a grievance, or something similar. CMS staff will not call an individual unsolicited. CMS will mail you information, like your Medicare Card, the Medicare & You handbook and Medicare Summary Notices (MSN). You get a quarterly bill from CMS for your Medicare Part B premium if you are not collecting Social Security Benefits. But CMS will not call you to talk to you about your Medicare Benefits.

If you feel you have gotten one of these calls and gave out your Medicare ID number, please call CMS at 1-800-MEDICARE (633-4227).

One of the features of the new Medicare ID is that it can be changed. If your ID number is compromised, CMS can simply issue you a new number and send you the new card. Once your providers have the new information, they can begin billing Medicare covered services with the new ID information. This is now very similar to your credit cards, in your ability to protect yourself and the Medicare system.

My advice continues to be don’t talk to individuals whom you don’t know. If you have an answering machine, let that pick up and then if it is someone you know you can answer the phone or call them right back. If you don’t have an answering machine and it is someone you don’t know, hanging up is the best action.

Our team of licensed professionals is here to guide you through the complexities of Medicare Insurance. We can help you understand and avoid spam, misinformation, and risks associated with unsolicited calls. Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have.


Read all Inside Medicare articles HERE.



Our licensed Medicare & Individual Health Insurance team can help clients understand the details of Medicare insurance plans, assist with choosing the right benefits and coverage, and provide guidance when life events that affect health coverage occur.

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