OSHA Form 300A Posting Requirements Begin February 1st


  • February 1 is the annual deadline for many employers to post their OSHA Forms 300A from the previous year.
  • The form must remain on display until April 30.
  • Employers subject to OSHA’s electronic reporting requirement will need to submit information from their OSHA 300A form by March 2.

Annual summaries must be posted in each establishment in a conspicuous place or places where notices are customarily posted.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires employers subject to its recordkeeping requirements to post copies of their OSHA Form 300A between February 1 and April 30 of each year.

The OSHA Form 300A, also known as the “Summary of Work-related Injuries and Illnesses,” must be completed by February 1 using data from the previous calendar year.

As a reminder, OSHA’s recordkeeping requirement does not apply to employers with 10 or fewer employees, or to employers that are in a partially exempt industry.

Employer Action Steps

On February 1, employers subject to OSHA recordkeeping requirements must ensure that copies of their completed Forms 300A are posted in each of their establishments. The form must be displayed in a conspicuous place or places where notices to employees are customarily posted.

Until April 30, these employers must also ensure that their Form 300A postings remain in place and are not altered, defaced or covered by other material.

Employers should retain their OSHA 300 log, the privacy case list (if one exists), the annual summary and the OSHA 301 incident report forms for five years following the end of the calendar year that these records cover.

Have more questions?  Contact Brooke Smith, Loss Control Team Lead
bsmith@lawleyinsurance.com | 716.849.8236