At Lawley, our team will work with you to assess your risks, analyze your loss history, and review your OSHA requirements so we can develop and execute a plan to mitigate/control your risks.

Understand recent OSHA updates below and contact us today to learn more.

New Fit Requirements for Personal Protective Equipment
recent revision was announced for the personal protective equipment standard for construction. This ruling improves protection from hazardous conditions and aligns the construction industry with general industry standards. By adding specific language requiring equipment to fit a worker properly, this revision addresses a longstanding industry safety concern, particularly among women and physically smaller or larger workers.

Facts About Workplace Violence
Learn more about workplace violence and answer the following questions:

Who is vulnerable?
What can these employers do to help protect their employees?
How can employees protect themselves?
What should employers do following a workplace violence incident?

To download the OSHA fact sheet, click here.