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What surety bond program do you qualify for? To find out, our Construction Insurance & Bond department can help you understand the Three C’s of Surety Bonding. Suretyship and bonding limits are often based on what is known as the 3 C’s.
Capital: The financial strength of your organization.
Lawley will work closely with your CPA and the surety underwriter to be certain that all of the critical components of your working capital and net worth are included in their analysis. This provides each client with the peace of mind that the Surety is providing the maximum capacity to your program based on your maximized financial strength. For a review of your financial strength and bond program, talk with the Lawley Construction & Bond team.
Capacity: The physical ability of your organization.
The underwriter will evaluate your level of expertise in a certain field, the scope of your management, previous job completion and the quality of your plant and/or equipment. Every project and every contractor is unique. Providing a larger Surety program may make sense when the situation presents the right elements. That’s when you need an experienced agent like Lawley. We don’t wait for the underwriters, we show them how you qualify. The Lawley Construction & Surety Bond team will package your case to bring forth all the pertinent issues to support maximum bonding program for you. This is what you need to get the job done. To evaluate what size project/program you qualify for, contact a Lawley surety bond expert.
Character: The reputation of the owners and the people they employ.
The third C, and what most may argue is the most important of the three, is character. Yes, all contractors are characters – but in this context we are referring to the character and reputation of the owners and the people they employ. A contractor can have all the financial strength and experience in the world but if they “don’t play well with others” and have a poor reputation, it will affect their bond program. A contractor that has established good business practices and has employees with strong resumes can often increase their bond programs based largely in part on “WHO” they are. Even if you’re a contractor who has overcome difficult times and getting back on your feet – your ability to overcome these obstacles and learn from your mistakes can actually add to your good character.
While the 3 C’s are a good basis for evaluation of any contractor there are several other factors that need to be considered. That’s where Lawley comes in. A constructive team with experience and expertise evaluating and guiding your company can make the biggest difference of all. A strong insurance advisor, one that is knowledgeable, that holds a good reputation and has a strong team can guide you in the direction needed to increase your bond program and insure you have the best possible insurance coverage (for the best price) for your company. The support, industry knowledge and experience we can offer to you will add to your overall capacity and strength. Get an advantage on your competition. Get the Lawley advantage.
Call the Lawley Construction & Bond team today at 1.844.4LAWLEY (1.844.452.9539) to discuss your surety bond needs.
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