Transitional Reinsurance Program
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) imposes a fee on health insurance issuers and self-funded group health plans in order to […]

10 Reasons Why Shopping for Your Employee Benefits Online Makes Sense
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) dramatically changed the healthcare landscape, and as a result, every American was expected to purchase […]

Just Added: Are You Prepared For The ACA Reporting Requirements Webinar
Are you aware of all of the ACA reporting requirements due by January 1st, 2016? Due to popular demand, the […]

New ACA Reporting Requirements For 2016. Are You Prepared?
Are you aware of all of the ACA reporting requirements due by January 1st, 2016? Join Lawley’s Employee Benefits Compliance […]

New York State Redefines Small Group – How It May Affect You
The New York State Department of Financial Services has confirmed that in response to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), New […]

Brian Murphy Featured in Buffalo Business First Discussing Confusion With Health Exchanges
Brian Murphy, partner of Lawley Benefits Group, was recently featured in an article titled “Clearing Up Health Exchange Confusion” by […]
Lawley Benefits Group 2014 Mid-Market Benefits Survey: 64 Percent of WNY Employers Say Affordable Care Act Caused 3-4 Percent Increase in Healthcare Costs in 2014
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