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If you suffer from back pain, you’re not alone. Nearly 80% of people will suffer from back pain at some point in their lives, according to a study conducted by The Lancet Medical Journal. But just because you’re experiencing back pain now doesn’t mean you will be in pain forever. Consider these tips to manage the pain and start incorporating healthy habits for your back into your everyday routine.
Maintain Correct Posture
It’s beneficial to maintain a correct posture when performing physical activities. Such activities may include playing sports or performing a job that requires repetitive motions, such as lifting. If you’re sitting a lot during the day, avoid slouching by trying to keep your spine erect.
Stretch Your Muscles
Stretching can be a great way to relieve back pain. It’s also beneficial for preventing future issues. It’s essential to do a variety of stretches for your back, including:
Lying flat on your back and pulling your knees to your chest.
Lying flat on your back with your arms outstretched in a “T” position, bending one knee and twisting in the direction of your straight leg while trying to touch your bent knee to the floor.
Lying on your stomach with your arms stretched overhead and lifting your chest or legs off the floor.
Consider Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers
Over-the-counter pain relievers can help reduce back pain and any swelling. Drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen are the most recommended due to their anti-inflammatory properties. Be sure to check with your doctor before taking any medications for your back pain.
Chiropractic Care Chiropractors mainly perform adjustments, which are also referred to as manipulations, of a patient’s spine, neck, hips and other body parts to realign the body. These adjustments are done with the intention of relieving pain, improving bodily function and encouraging self-healing. Chiropractic care is often referred to as a complementary health approach. In recent years, it has been recommended by physicians as a treatment method in lieu of prescribing opioids for musculoskeletal injuries or conditions.
Explore All Options
There is no one way to manage back pain. Everyone’s back is different, as is the root of back pain. Talk with your doctor about exploring options such as:
Physical therapy
Working with a chiropractor
Undergoing acupuncture
Changing your diet
Not every type of care will fit your needs, so exploring your options is essential. You may even need a combination of options.
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Lisa oversees the client service team and provides leadership and guidance to managers and team leaders. Working with clients for more than 15 years, Lisa provides industry expertise, possesses strong strategic planning skills and establishes solid working relationships. Lisa works side-by-side with the organizational leaders and benefits consultants on client strategic planning and initiatives. In addition, Lisa helps manage administrative and business operations.