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Understand Thyroid Disease For Thyroid Awareness Month
About 20 million Americans suffer from thyroid disease, and approximately 13 million more are currently undiagnosed. Through the month of January we direct our focus on teaching others about this disease.
The thyroid gland is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the neck, just below the Adam’s apple and right above the collarbone, surrounding the windpipe. The thyroid helps control the function of many of the body’s organs, including the heart, brain, liver, kidneys and skin, but it mostly helps to set the metabolism.
There are two different types of thyroid disease and they each affect the body very differently. The two types are hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
This disease refers to an overactive thyroid gland, which produces too much thyroid hormone. The symptoms include:
Enlarged thyroid
Rapid heart rate
Nervous, anxious or irritable behavior
Trembling hands
Unexplained weight loss
Heat intolerance
Increased sweating
Hair loss
Decreased menstrual flow or impaired fertility
Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produces less than the normal amount of thyroid hormone, resulting in the decrease of many bodily functions. When the metabolism slows due to hypothyroidism, the following may occur:
Unexplained weight gain
Dry skin and hair
Difficulty concentrating
Increased cholesterol
Intolerance to cold
A heavier menstrual flow
Thyroid Risk Factors
The risk factors for thyroid disease include:
Being female – Women are five to eight times more likely to suffer from a thyroid disorder than men are
Age – The Thyroid Foundation of America recommends that women get annual thyroid hormone level tests yearly starting at age 50; men should as well beginning at age 60
Family history – If the disease runs in the family, testing every five years after age 35 is recommended
Pregnancy – Thyroid conditions can arise after giving birth
Thyroid Disease Treatment
Treatment for hyperthyroidism usually includes prescription drugs, radioactive iodine therapy and/or surgery. Hypothyroidism tends to be treated most effectively with a prescription thyroid replacement hormone.
It is estimated that more than 12 percent of the U.S. population will develop a thyroid condition during their lifetime.